Martín Códax

Martín Códax Albariño 2020, Rías Baixas, Spain


The first thing that will strike anybody about this wine is the colour, an unmistakable pale lemon. This suggests a crisp, zingy citrus sensation, and the bottle delivers on this promise in spades. Lemon and apple aromas tickle the nose, paving the way for an extremely clean, acidic taste - without succumbing to excess minerality. A pinch of salt concludes an enjoyable taste sensation that will make any drinker feel like they're enjoying a sun-kissed summer's day on the Iberian coast.


  • Albariño


Best enjoyed with lightly-grilled seafood and rich, complex salads, this wine can also be paired with pasta and similar fare




Martín Códax is a comparatively new kid on the vineyard block. The product stems from a group of creators under the stewardship of ringleader Luciano Amodeo, an experienced 9th generation winemaker. The team founded the vineyard in 1986, and it swiftly rose to the standing of largest producer in Galicia. Albariño growth accounts for some 450 hectares, while the vineyard is a cultural icon in the region. Taking its name from a celebrated poet from the region, local artists and musicians still flock to the territory - and not simply for clement temperatures and astonishing produce of the local grapes.

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